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Fırat University Medical Journal of Health Sciences
2007, Volume 21, Number 5, Page(s) 187-193
[ Turkish ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]
Evaluating the Life Quality of the Women in the Menopausal Period
Mine YURDAKUL1, Aslı EKER1, Derya KAYA2
1Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu, Ebelik Anabilim Dalı, Mersin-TÜRKİYE
2Mersin 5 Nolu Sağlık Ocağı, Mersin-TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Menopause, Women, Life Quality

The women apllying to gynechology polyclinic and accepting being examined were distibuted a defining information form and applied SF 36 life quality scale. The data were evaluated by using SPSS for Windows 11,5 package program after coded by the researcher. Percentage distribution, arithmethical average an Ci-square were used in the analysis af the data. After the study, it was found that 56,6% of the women are between the years 45-55,79,5 % of them are married,98,8 % of them are housewives,47% of them are illiterate,45,8 % of them have the education of the primary school,57,8% of them have incomes equal to their outcomes,83,1% of them have social security, and 18,1% of them smoke. When it comes to their pregnancy stories, it was discovered that 80,7% of them had pregnancy four or more times,61,5&of them have four or more children,55,4% of them have had abortion an/or currettage for once or three times. It was found that 55,4% of the women participating in the study had menopause 1-5 years ago,72,3% of them had no health service,61,4 have no knowledge about menopausal period,12,0% of them make exercises regularly,55,4% of them have problems abou menopausal period, ad 52,1% of them have physical problems,and 47,8% of them have both physical and pysichological problems. Any meaningful relationship was found between age, education, income level, the number or the living children, getting information, being treated, making exercises and life quality scale(p>0,05).

[ Turkish ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]
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