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Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi
2013, Cilt 27, Sayı 3, Sayfa(lar) 145-147
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Alt Dudakta Nadir Bir Kitle Nedeni; Schwannoma: Olgu Sunumu
1Harput Devlet Hastanesi, Plastik, Rekonstruktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Kliniği, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE
2Elazığ Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kliniği, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE
Anahtar Kelimeler: Schwannoma, alt dudakta kitle
Schwannoma diğer bir tabirle neurilemmomalar, sinir kılıfındaki schwann hücrelerinden köken alan benign tümörlerdir. Periferik, santral ve otonomik sinirlerden köken alabilen schwannomların yaklaşık %25-45'i baş-boyun bölgesinde görülmekte olup en sık kafatabanı lokalizasyonunda akustik sinirden kaynaklanmaktadır. Oral kavitede nadir olarak görülen bu tümörün en sık lokalizasyonu dildir. Dudak tutulumu ise literatürde çok az sayıda rapor edilmiştir. Bu olguda, alt dudak kitlelerinde ayırıcı tanıda dikkat edilmesi gereken ve 21 yaşındaki bir erkekde olağan dışı bir tutulum gösteren alt dudak schwannomunu sunuldu.
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    Schwannomas are solitary, benign, slow growing, smooth surfaced, usually encapsulated tumors arising from the neural sheath schwann cells of the peripheral, cranial or autonomic nerves. Approximately 25 %-45 % occur in head and neck region most commonly in association with the acoustic nerve within the skull and rarely originate from the oral cavity1-3. Schwannomas of the oral cavity most commonly occur in the tongue followed by palate, floor of the mouth, gingiva, lip and the buccal mucosa4,5. Lower lip is an extremely rare location with only a few similar cases reported in the literatüre2,6. In this paper, we report an unusual case of schwannoma of the lower lip of a 21 year old male patient besides the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the lesion are discussed.
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  • Olgu Sunusu
    A 21 year old male patient presented with a painless swelling of the lower lip. He had been aware of this lesion for five months and during this period it enlarged progressively. The patient was neither a smoker nor an alcoholic and past medical history was unremarkable. Physical examination revealed an oval, firm, non-tender mass with a smooth surface located in the vermillion area of the lower lip. Results of all laboratory tests were within normal limits. The mass was completely excised under local anesthesia.

    Grossly the lesion was an encapsulated tumor mass measuring 1.8 x 1.1 cm with a firm and grayish surface (figure 1-2). Histopathologically it was an encapsulated nodule consisted of peripheral hypercellular (Antoni A) and central hypocelluler (Antoni B) regions (figure 3). In Antoni A area, typical verocay bodies which were composed of palisading nuclei and surrounding spaces filled with eosinophilic filaments were detected. There were no atypical mitotic figures or necrosis. In Antoni B region, there was closely textured matrix with areas of edema, myxomatous changes, cystic degeneration and dilated vessels. Immunohistochemical staining by the strepta-vidinbiotin- peroxidase method demonstrated S-100 protein positivity in the tumor cells. On the basis of histopathologic findings and immunohistochemical profiles, a diagnosis of schwannoma was rendered.

    Büyütmek İçin Tıklayın
    Figure 1: 1,8 x 1,1 cm mass located at the inferior border of the lower lip.

    Büyütmek İçin Tıklayın
    Figure 2: Intraoperative view of the grayish white mass with well defined capsule.

    Büyütmek İçin Tıklayın
    Figure 3: Histological findings of schwannoma. Hypercelluler Antoni A area with fascicular arrangements of cells with fibriller cytoplasm.

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    Schwannomas are benign, solitary, encapsulated neoplasms also known as neurilemmomas. They are uncommon tumors that arise mostly from peripheral nerves in relatively deep parts of the soft tissues such as the posterior spinal root and the acoustic nerve; extremities, trunk and neck being the most common locations6,7. Because of lacking schwann cells, schwannomas do not arise from cranial nerves I and II8. They arise from both peripheral and intracranial parts of cranial nerves in head and neck region. The acoustic nerve is the most common intracranial site whereas peripheral cranial nerve schwannomas are usually located in parapharyngeal space of the neck and in soft tissues such as tongue, buccal mucosa, palate and gingiva9,11. In parapharyngeal space, the most commonly involved nerves are the vagus and the cervical sympathetic chain12.

    Schwannomas are characterized by solitary occurrence, slow growth, and smooth surface6. Clinical symptoms are variable and most schwannomas are typically asympomatic depending on the nerve of the origin. If the original tumor is small it may not be easily identified; however if the original tumor is large it grows inside the epineural sheath and undergoes progressive enlargement, with the nerve fasicles spreading out of the surface of the tumor11. In most of the cases, the only complaint is a painless mass. Schwannoma of the lip is a rare clinical entity and it was first reported by Das Gupta et al in 196913. Since 1965 a few number of schwannoma cases of the lip have been reported4,14,15. Our report is on an extremely rare case which is a schwannoma of the lower lip.

    Histologically, the characteristic features for the schwannoma of the lip are similar to those described for analogues found at other sites. In the same tumor, two characteristic patterns are described as Antoni A and Antoni B areas. The relative proportions of two regions may vary. Hypercellular Antoni A areas consist of monomorphic spindle shaped schwann cells with pointed basophilic nuclei and poorly defined eosinophilic cytoplasm2,6,14. Antoni B areas consist of loosely arranged cells and small cystic spaces. In Antoni B area, cystic degeneration, vessels with thick hyaline walls and hemorrage may be observed11,14. Immunohistochemically, positive S-100 protein and lev-7 antigen reactivity warrants schwann cell nature of these tumors1,4. Vimentin and glial fibrillary acid protein staining can also be helpful16. For schwannomas of the lip, ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can be used for preoperative diagnosis. Homogeneous, hypo echoic features and posterior acoustic enhancement are seen on ultrasound5. Computerized tomography shows homogeneous soft tissue density mass with clear margins4. and magnetic resonance imagining shows a homogenous lesion with low intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images6.

    Schwannoma may occur at all ages peak incidence being in the second and third decades of life10. The male to female ratio in schwannoma is 2/311. In our case, schwannoma of the lower lip may have arisen from an end branch of the mental branch of cranial nerve VII. Radiological examination was not performed considering the relatively small size of the lesion. For schwannomas, conservative surgical removal is the choice of treatment, wide excision is not recommented since the prognosis is good and recurrence is rare8,14,15. Malign transformation of schwannoma of the lip has been controversial but a few isolated cases have been reported in literatüre8,14,17.

    Schwannomas are rare tumors with nonspecific presentation so clinical diagnosis is difficult. Differential diagnosis of such a lip mass must include fibroma, pleomorphic adenoma and other salivary gland tumors16. Diagnosis is confirmed with histopathological examination. In present case our initial diagnosis was salivary gland tumor, however it turned out to be schwannoma on pathological examination. Schwannoma should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of a lower lip mass even though it is a rare clinical entity.

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  • Kaynaklar

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    2) Cherrick HM, Eversole LR. Benign neural sheath neoplasm of the oral cavity. Report of thirty-seven cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1971; 32: 900-909.

    3) Wright BA, Jackson D. Neural tumors of the oral cavity. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1980; 49: 509-522.

    4) Asaumi J, Konouchi H, Kishi K. Schwannoma of the upper lip: ultrasound, CT, and MRI findings. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2000; 58: 1173-1175.

    5) Pahwa R, Khurana N, Uma CK, et al. Neurilemmoma of tongue. İnd J Oral Surg 1968; 26: 651-658.

    6) Yang SW, Lin CY. Schwannoma of the upper lip: case report and literature review. American J Otolaryngology 2003; 24: 351-354.

    7) Kara CO, Topuz B. Horner's syndrome after excision of cervical sympathetic chain schwannoma. Otolaryngo Head Neck Surg 2002; 127:127-128.

    8) Michida A, Ryoke K, Ishikura S, et al. Multiple schwannomas of the neck, mediastinum, and parapharyngeal space: Report of case. J Oral Maxillo Fal Surg 1995; 53: 617-620.

    9) Triaridis C, Tsalighopoululos MG, Kouloulas A, et al. Posterior Pharyngeal Wall schwannoma. J Laryngo Otol 1987; 101: 749-752.

    10) De Bree R, Westerveld GJ, Smeele LE. Submandibular approach for excision of a large schwannoma in the base of the tongue. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2000; 257: 283-286.

    11) Putney FJ, Moran JJ, Thomas GK. Neurogenic tumors of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1964; 74: 1037-1059.

    12) Rosner M, Fiher W, Mulligan L. Cervical sympathetic schwannoma: case report. Neurosurgery 2001; 49: 1452- 1454.

    13) Das Gupta TK, Brasfield RD, Strong EW, et al. Benign solitary schwannomas (neurilemomas). Cancer 1969; 24: 355-366.

    14) Barbosa J, Hansen LS. Solitary multilobular schwannoma of the oral cavity. J Oral Med 1984; 39: 232-235.

    15) Pons J, Sabrie A, Koulmann M, et al. Schwannoma of the upper lip. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 1970; 71: 371-376.

    16) Lopez JI, Ballestin C. Intraoral Schwannoma. A clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of nine cases. Arch Anat Cytol Pathol 1993; 41: 18-23.

    17) Shibita Y, Ueda T, Seki H, et al. Gastrointestinal Stromal tumour of the rectum. Eur J Gastoenterol Hepatol 2001; 13: 283-286.

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