Presence and epidemiology of Listeria monocytogenes infection in Saanen x Kilis and Angora goats
To the present authors' knowledge there has been limited epidemiological data available regarding Listeriosis infection in goats in Ankara and in Turkey. Therefore the real prevalence remains unclear. In Aydın provience by use of Osebold method L. monocytogenes ‘'O'' antibodies were detected 35 (35%) out of 100 sheeps with titers of 1/100 (27%), 1/200 (8%)
12. In a previous study sera of 50 Angora goats, analyzed for the presence of antibodies against Listeria monocytogenes by the Osebold method on a commercial farm in Ankara revelaed 23 (46%) seropositive samples
13. In the latter study titrations of seropositive samples were found 1/100 (20%), 1/200 (24%) and 1/400 (2%)
13. In the present study the overall prevalence of the 137 goat sera tested was 58.39% for Listeriosis. Among 74 Saanen x Kilis goats 45 (60.81%) were seropositive with titers of 1/100 (43.24%) and 1/200 (17.56%). Among 63 Angora goats tested 35 were seropositive (55.5%) with titers as follows; 1/100 (26.98%), 1/200 (22.2%) and 1/400 (0.6%).
In conclusion higher rates of seropositivity against L. monocytogenes in goats resided in Ankara may suggest that L. monocytogenes infection is prevalent and should be taken into consideration by veterinarians and public health officers.
Presence and epidemiology of Brucellosis in Saanen x Kilis and Angora goats
In Kayseri region 12 (7.79%) out of 154 sheep showed seropositivity against Brucellosis 14. Another study undertaken in Aydin province revealed 2% seropositivity for Brucella antibodies in sheeps by use of agglutination tests 12. By use of tube agglutination test in Kars city 3 (2.91%) out of 103 sheep were found seropositive against Brucellosis 15. In the present study by use of MAT the overall prevalence of Brucellosis was 24.08% (33/137). Among 15 (20.27%) seropositive Saanen x Kilis goats, titers were 1/20 for 3, 1/40 for 2, 1/80 for 6, 1/160 for 3 and 1/640 for 1 sera samples. Among 18 (28.57%) seropositive Angora goats tested titers were; 1/20 for 1, 1/40 for 4, 1/80 for 8, 1/160 for 2 and 1/640 for 3 sera samples. In contrast to the previously reported seroprevalence studies in Turkey among different regions in sheeps, the overall prevalence detected in goats was markedly higher. Given the seroprevalence rates in the present study and the lack of detailed epidemiological studies in goats in Turkey, this fact indicates the necessity of further studies with greater goat populations to better understanding of the aetiology of this disease, which will become the prior subject of our future studies.
Presence and epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in Saanen x Kilis and Angora goats
To the present authors' knowledge there has been limited data available regarding the seroepidemiology of Toxoplasmosis in goats in Ankara and in Turkey. In Angora goats resided in Eskisehir, anti-Toxoplama gondii antibodies were detected in 43 (43.87%) out of 98 sera samples 16. In a previous study performed on 68 Angora goats in Ankara vicinities, 37 goats (54%) were found to be positive for T. gondii antbodies by use of Sabin Feldman Dye test 17. In another seroprevalence study in Kayseri of the 154 sheep tested by use of Sabin Feldman Dye test, 52 (33.76%) were found to be seropositive against Toxoplasmosis 14. Similarly in another seroprevalance study in Kars city, Turkey, 53 (51.45%) out of 103 sheep were found to be positive against T. gondii antbodies 15. In Nigde, a central Anatolian city in Turkey, by use of Sabin Feldman Dye test, 56 out of 110 sheep and 19 out of 46 goats (41%) had seropositivity against Toxoplasmosis 18. Another prevalence study performed in Cankiri revealed 24 (63.15%) seropositive samples out of 38 goats 19. In the present study a seropositivity rate of Toxoplasmosis was 81.75% (112/137). Among 74 Saanen x Kilis goats 60 (81.0827%) were seropositive with of 1/16 for 23, 1/64 for 30, 1/256 for 4, 1/1024 for 3 sera samples. Among 63 Angora goats tested 52 were seropositive (82.53%) with titers as follows; 1/16 for 19, 1/64 for 23, 1/256 for 4 and 1/1024 sera samples. In contrast to the previous reports, the overall prevalence determined in the present study was markedly higher. Although, as aforementioned above, both the previous and the present study had the same methodology, the variable seroprevalence rates may be attributable to the geographical differences.