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Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi
2008, Cilt 22, Sayı 5, Sayfa(lar) 293-295
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Acute Angioedema Following Immunization Against Parvovirus in a German Shepherd Dog and Clinical Remission With Treatment
1T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Yüksek Komiserler Kurulu, Ankara, TÜRKİYE
2Ankara Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, TÜRKİYE
3 Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Burdur, TÜRKİYE
4Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Çankırı İl Tarım Müdürülüğü, Hayvan Sağlığı Şubesi, Çankırı, TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Angioedema, parvovirus, cetirizine
In the present article the authors described a 9 weeks old German shepherd dog suffered an episode of angioedema affecting face, eyelids and the head shortly after vaccination against parvovirus. No pathological condition was detected to cause angioedema attack except vaccination mentioned at clinical evaluation and laboratory examinations. Therapy included cetirizine 1 mg/kg once a day perorally and dexhamethasone 0.15 mg/kg intravenous q 12 hours, for 2 consequetive days. After 5 hours of initiating therapy, angioedema regressed, after 9 hours oedema on periorbital area and face was subsided at 75% and 24 hours later angioedema was succesfully controlled and disappeared.
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  • Introduction
    Angioedema, is a classic type 1 hypersensitivity disorder1, usually localized to the head within asymmetrical swelling of the skin and mucous membranes2. Clinical signs usually accompany acute onset within large edematous swellings1. Although the cause of angioedema often remains unclear, the presumed causes may include post-vaccinal complications, various drugs, immune-mediated disorders, neoplasia, infections, food allergy, physical reactions and insect bites1,3,4.

    Post-vaccinal side effects comprising dogs have previously been reported within various studies5-8. Adverse reactions to distemper, infectious hepatitis and parvovirus vaccines8, and leishmune vaccine against canine leishmaniasis9 included angioedema confined to the nose, ears and eyes8 and face9.

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical formation of angioedema and the efficacy of therapy with cetirizine and dexamethasone in controlling the clinical sings in a German shepherd puppy dog affected with angioedema.

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  • Case Presentation
    A 9 weeks old German Shepherd puppy was referred because of acute onset of swelling located at the face, eyelids and head. The puppy had a history of vaccination against Parvovirus (Nobivac Parvo c, Intervet®;modified live vaccine including C154 strain) 2 hours prior to the onset of clinical dermatologic problems. At physical examination acute swelling was markedly noticed, especially around the eyes and the muzzle with no accompanying urticaria, and the dog was otherwise healthy. The dog was unable to control its head and to open eyes. The owner denied previous administration of any drug or vaccination. The owner had never experienced any similar symptoms related to the allergy for her dog. She also had avoided dietary changes. Other possible circumstances responsible for the reactions, such as physical exercise, simultaneous administration of other drugs, or infections were ruled out by the owner's history on her dog. The dog was fed with a commercially available dog food suitable for puppies. The dog was usually kept indoors but allowed to access outdoor for a short time interval every other day. However there was no history of any contact with a chemical offending substance, foreign body or any other dog for the last 1 week.

    Complete physical examination including rectal temperature, heart rate and evaluation of gastrointestinal, respiratory and dermatologic system did not reveal any abnormalities other than the swelling on the head. Based on the admittedly informative history and physical examination and excluding some of the presumed causes the dog was diagnosed to have acute angioedema. At clinical evaluation and laboratory examinations including complete blood counts, serum biochemical analysis (urea, creatinine, ALT, AST) and urinalysis no pathological condition was detected to cause angioedema attack other than vaccination.

    Therapy included cetirizine (Hitrizin 10 mg. tablet, Deva Holding A.S.) 1 mg/kg once a day perorally and dexhamethasone (Deksavet %0.4 inj. sol., Interhas A.S.) 0.15 mg/kg intravenously q 12 hours for 2 consequetive days. After 5 hours of starting treatment angioedema regressed. On hour 9 of starting treatment oedema on periorbital area and face was subsided at 75% and 24 hours later angioedema was succesfully controlled and disappeared. After 6 months of therapy, the owner of the dog was interviewed in an atttempt to get information about any remaining or new complaints related to this condition, who informed that the dog was healthy.

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  • References
  • Discussion
    Immunization, so called vaccination, are performed to stimulate the immune system in an attempt to protect the animal against the infectious agent. In fact, this kind of stimulation may result with some minor symptoms such as soreness at the site of injection, mild fever and allergic reactions10.

    Adverse reactions in association with animal vaccination has been studied over the past years. Suspected adverse reactions against vaccines have been recognized as inflammatoric, allergic, autoimmune or neoplastic diseases11. Vaccine related side effects including angioedema in dogs have previously been discussed by several studies5-8. Adverse toxic reactions to parvovirus vaccines8 included angioedema of the nose, ears and eyes8. Allergic reactions occuring against vaccines frequently constitutes the skin, and systemic symptoms such as urticaria/ angioedema, serum sickness and eczema or localized site reactions may be noticed12. In a previous case series angioedema and urticaria was reported in two Great dane dogs following inactive vaccination against M. canis13. In line with previous reports the present puppy was diagnosed to have an angioedema attack following parvoviral vaccination, by possible excluding of all other unremarkable differentials.

    Adverse reactions in association with animal vaccination has been studied over the past years. Suspected adverse reactions against vaccines have been recognized as inflammatoric, allergic, autoimmune or neoplastic diseases11. Vaccine related side effects including angioedema in dogs have previously been discussed by several studies5-8. Adverse toxic reactions to parvovirus vaccines8 included angioedema of the nose, ears and eyes8. Allergic reactions occuring against vaccines frequently constitutes the skin, and systemic symptoms such as urticaria/ angioedema, serum sickness and eczema or localized site reactions may be noticed12. In a previous case series angioedema and urticaria was reported in two Great dane dogs following inactive vaccination against M. canis13. In line with previous reports the present puppy was diagnosed to have an angioedema attack following parvoviral vaccination, by possible excluding of all other unremarkable differentials.

    In allergic reactions including urticaria and angioedema, histamines play an important role as by causing vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability4. Therefore the primary indication for antihistamine therapy in angioedema must be the treatment of dermal edema, that is clinically presented as swelling4,14. In addition due to the risk and side effects of prolonged use of glucocorticoid therapy, antihistamines are preferred by veterinarians in an attempt to avoid or reduce the necessary doses of glucocorticoids15. The development of a group of second generation antihistamines, with non-sedative effects, has aroused interest in the application of those drugs for treatment of various human disorders16 and for dogs with atopic dermatitis17. Cetirizine has been effectively used in a human angioedema case18. In aggreement with previous reports, in the present case cetirizine was effective and clinical remisison was achieved with a short term usage. Although only 1 case was presented in this article and it is unwise to draw conclusions, the present authors suggest that cetirizine in conjunction with dexamethasone was completely effective for releiving acute angioedema.

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  • Case Presentation
  • Discussion
  • References
  • References

    1) Anonymous http://www.vetmedpub.com//vetmed/article/ articleDetail.jsp? id=336416.Accessed January 2008.

    2) Kaplan AP, Greaves MW. “Angioedema,” J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; 53(3): 373–388.

    3) Shaw DH, Ihle SL. 1997 Gastrointestinal Disease. Small Animal Internal Medicine. Philadelphia: Wolters K.

    4) Çalışkaner Z, Karaayvaz M. Akut Ürtiker ve Anjioödem. http://www.gata.edu.tr/dahilibilimler/ichastaliklari/files/kitaplar/8.pdf. Accessed:September 2007.

    5) Schultz RD. Theoritical and practical aspects of an immunization program for dogs and cats. JAVMA 1982;81:1141-1149.

    6) Tizard I. Risks associated with use of live vaccines. JAVMA 1990;196:1851-1858.

    7) Brooks R. Adverse reactions to canine and feline vaccines. Aust Vet J 1991;68:342-344.

    8) Tjälve H. Adverse reactions to veterinary drugs reported in Sweden during 1991-1995. J Vet Pharmacol Therapeut 1997;20 (2):105–110.

    9) Parra LE, Borja-Cabrera GP, Santos FN, Souza LO, Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Menz I. Safety trial using the Leishmune vaccine against canine visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Vaccine. 2007;25(12):2180-2186.

    10) Anonymous. Allergic Vaccination Reaction in Dogs. By: Dr. Mark Thompson http://www.petplace.com/dogs/allergic-vaccination-reaction-in-dogs/page1.aspx. Accessed: January 2008.

    11) Day J. Vaccine side effects: Fact and fiction Vet Microbiol 2006;117 (1): 51-58.

    12) Ponvert C, Pierre S. Vaccine allergy and pseudo-allergy. EJD. Eur J Dermatol 2003; 13(1):10-15.

    13) Ural K, Cıngı CC, Uzlu E. Acut urticaria and anjioedema in two great dane dogs medicated with inactive Microsporum canis vaccine. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2006;12 (1):109-110.

    14) Haas N, Hermes B, Henz BM. Adhesion Molecules and Cellular Infiltrate: Histology of Urticaria. J Invest Dermatol Symp Proceed 2001;6:137-138.

    15) Scott DW, Miller WH Jr, Griffin CE. Muller & Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology VI. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2001:543–666.

    16) Slater JW, Zechnich AD, Hasby DG. Second-generation antihistamines: A comparative review. Drugs 1999;57:31–47.

    17) Cook CP, Scott DW, Miller WH. Jr, Kirker JE, Cobb S. MTreatment of canine atopic dermatitis with cetirizine, a second generation antihistamine: A single-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Can Vet J 2004;45:414-417.

    18) Radhakrishna P, Abdul Rahman AD. Angioedema - a rare cause of acute episodic dysuria: Case report and review of literature. Indian J Dermatol 2007; 52 (2):106-108.

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